PMP Exam Practice Questions and Solutions-Why the best answer is best and the wrong answers are wrong-4th Edition
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PMP Exam Practice Questions and Solutions-Why the best answer is best and the wrong answers are wrong-4th Edition Overview
Aileen Ellis, PgMP® ,PMP® of AME Group Inc. has been helping professionals prepare for the PMP® Exam since 1998. With years of experience working with thousands of students, AME Group has learned how students best prepare for the PMP® Exam.
In the classroom, the comment heard over and over again is: “I get why the right answer is right, but please explain why my answer is not as good.” In response to that comment, as well as the request for more sample questions, this book was developed.
AME Group started testing these questions in the classroom in 2001 and has continued to update and modify them for optimum learning. The detailed explanations of the wrong answers provide students with four times the learning in every sample question.
Many students preparing for the PMP® exam assume they will score very high on practice tests. Don’t worry about your score initially. Think of these questions as part of your learning experience, which will inevitably help to boost your exam scores.
What makes PMP® Exam Practice Questions and Solutions different from other sample question books? The AME Group has designed the book with the goal of not only helping students pass the exam but also obtain high exam scores. To achieve this goal, this book:
• Is solely focused on the PMP® exam. Focus your time studying what is on the PMP® exam.
• Includes not only a good description of why the right answer is right, but why the three wrong answers are wrong. You will get four times the learning from each question. Other books tell you the right answer, but do they really explain why the wrong answer is wrong? How many times have you understood that the right answer is good, but still not fully understood why your answer was wrong? In this book, there is as much focus on the wrong answers as on the right answers to set the record straight.
• Provides references—many to the PMBOK® Guide—for each correct answer. How many times have you wanted to read more about the content of the question in order to prepare for more exam questions similar or related to the topic, but have had no reference?
• Focuses on the exam content, not on the topics of interest to the writers. Focus your time on studying what is on this exam…instead of what is on other exams.
• Grooms students to answer exam questions correctly by practicing test-taking strategies. See Part One for these strategies explained in detail along with sample questions using each of the techniques.
PMP Exam Practice Questions and Solutions-Why the best answer is best and the wrong answers are wrong-4th Edition Specifications
Aileen Ellis, PgMP® ,PMP® of AME Group Inc. has been helping professionals prepare for the PMP® Exam since 1998. With years of experience working with thousands of students, AME Group has learned how students best prepare for the PMP® Exam.
In the classroom, the comment heard over and over again is: “I get why the right answer is right, but please explain why my answer is not as good.” In response to that comment, as well as the request for more sample questions, this book was developed.
AME Group started testing these questions in the classroom in 2001 and has continued to update and modify them for optimum learning. The detailed explanations of the wrong answers provide students with four times the learning in every sample question.
Many students preparing for the PMP® exam assume they will score very high on practice tests. Don’t worry about your score initially. Think of these questions as part of your learning experience, which will inevitably help to boost your exam scores.
What makes PMP® Exam Practice Questions and Solutions different from other sample question books? The AME Group has designed the book with the goal of not only helping students pass the exam but also obtain high exam scores. To achieve this goal, this book:
• Is solely focused on the PMP® exam. Focus your time studying what is on the PMP® exam.
• Includes not only a good description of why the right answer is right, but why the three wrong answers are wrong. You will get four times the learning from each question. Other books tell you the right answer, but do they really explain why the wrong answer is wrong? How many times have you understood that the right answer is good, but still not fully understood why your answer was wrong? In this book, there is as much focus on the wrong answers as on the right answers to set the record straight.
• Provides references—many to the PMBOK® Guide—for each correct answer. How many times have you wanted to read more about the content of the question in order to prepare for more exam questions similar or related to the topic, but have had no reference?
• Focuses on the exam content, not on the topics of interest to the writers. Focus your time on studying what is on this exam…instead of what is on other exams.
• Grooms students to answer exam questions correctly by practicing test-taking strategies. See Part One for these strategies explained in detail along with sample questions using each of the techniques.
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